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Despite the slight language barrier, I had fun playing this game! Definitely one of the most challenging puzzle games I have played this year. Just switching the colours is an easy way to solve any of the puzzles, but to avoid penalty points, one has to learn to use the other buttons too and that makes it much more complicated.

I'd think this game would fit into our yearly contest well, there's a special category for jam games.

Hello, thank you for your comment. I didnt  knew i had to upload the game on an english written website at the end of the jam.  The theme of the jam was "if i were you and if you were me",  my first idea was about cultural differences that makes people see thing differently, then you know, it's a jam.  My challenge was just to make a prototype that looks as polished as possible for me. the levels are not well designed but they will be in a future version.    

best regards.

It's definitely got potential, so good luck with it.